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No longer look for ways only get through your week, but to constantly look for ways to keep getting things from your week. Real fulfillment in our careers comes from looking what we can become as a result of our careers or jobs, never only what we get in monetary rewards from our jobs.

Today, we explore Purpose, the one of three factors that lead to greater performance and satisfaction in the workplace, namely:

The three factors are autonomy, mastery and purpose.

·Autonomy – Self direction and inspiration

·Mastery –Ways to incentive constant and ongoing life long growth and learning.

·Purpose – Blend our own purpose or vision in with the purpose or vision of our company.

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Skype’s purpose is to be disruptive, in the cause of making the world a better place. Great purpose that everyone can hang their hats on and one that has driven them to great levels of profit, yet is aligned with their purpose and contributes to the greater good.

Steve Jobs, purpose is to be a ding in the universe. Apple has most certainly realized their profit motives and they are most certainly making a ding in the universe and yet they are still completely aligned with their true purpose.

When you strive to maximize your personal purpose, understand and work to maximize the company’s purpose, profit is an incredible and welcome side effect.

The science has shown that we care deeply about self mastery, have a deep need to be self directed and work best when we have a real and meaningful purpose to work for, a big why behind everything we do.

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