He walked solo to the North Pole , swam the Amazon and circumnavigated the earth without motorised transport.

Now world-famous South African adventurer Mike Horn could face his toughest task: stop the national cricket side from "choking".

The Swiss-based daredevil was a key member of the South African coaching staff who steered India to Cricket World Cup glory in April.

He is due in South Africa next month and, although still not official, is likely to form part of Cricket South Africa's plans now that former player Gary Kirsten is the new Proteas coach.

Horn said a South African triumph at the next World Cup was not Mission Impossible: "South Africa has the most talented cricket players in the world. It is just that at that level it is only psychological and not technical."

Cricket South Africa spokesman Michael Owen-Smith said Kirsten - who could not be reached for comment - had a "free hand" to choose consultants, who would "probably" include Horn.

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