Safa CEO Tebogo Motlanthe during a press conference at Safa House on January 13, 2023 .
Image: Lefty Shivambu/Gallo Images
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South African Football Association CEO Tebogo Motlanthe is seeking a response from the Premier Soccer League (PSL) on its decision to boycott this weekend's football indaba.

Issues, including those pertaining to the relationship between the two organisations, were going to be discussed.

The PSL announced on Thursday it will boycott the Safa indaba on Friday and Saturday and congress on Sunday and will seek an urgent meeting with sports minister Zizi Kodwa and Confederation of African Football (Caf) president Patrice Motsepe.

Motlanthe, speaking to the media on Friday at Emperors Palace in Johannesburg where the indaba is being held, said Safa's response to the PSL's decision is to seek reasons from it because he believed they were on good terms.

“The response is a clear one,” said Motlanthe.

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“When you get a letter without saying to you this is my reason, being from a legal profession, you need to get the reason first before you respond.

“So what we have resolved, because that statement was sent to me, it was just a press release, is to seek more information to say what are the issues.

“Of course after hearing their side we'll see if we can meet and resolve if they're issues which need to be resolved.

“The agenda (for the indaba) was issued a month ago and given to all members. There was no issues with the agenda, so what we're going to do is to write to them.

“Unfortunately, we're caught up with this major event but when I get a break I will write to the acting CEO of the league (PSL) to ask for more particulars.

“But because it's not a court case we'll seek the reasons, what are the issues. Now it's difficult to comment because you don't know what are the issues with the agenda which was there for a month.

“The issue (of pulling out) just came at the eleventh hour. I will write seeking a response from them as a member of Safa.”

Despite everyone knowing that things have not been hunky-dory for some time between these organisations, Motlanthe insisted they've been on “solid” ground with their special member.

“The relationship has been solid,” gushed Motlanthe.

“Operation wise I have direct contact with the PSL. If I need anything from the league I pick up the phone and they do the same. We do talk operation wise, no problem.” 

If they have this “solid” relationship why has the PSL decided to abandon the indaba at a time they wanted to discuss critical issues with them, Motlanthe was asked.

“I was surprised but I don't want to dwell on this animosity because it is something often spoken about. It's like a ghost because I've never seen it, I just hear about it.

“When I relate with the league on matters of mutual interest we do talk. They've attended NEC meetings previously and there were no issues raised. So we were taken by surprise but we said let's continue with this week (agenda) because it's important for football.

“We need to come up with a strategic plan and we'll engage (with the PSL) on issues of mutual interest at the right platform. I will be writing a letter asking for reasons and check if they're a basis for us to meet.”

Motlanthe said the PSL will not attending the indaba this weekend was not a blow. 

“It's not a blow, members are here,” he said. “Fifa is here, Caf is here. We'll continue as planned and if there are decisions which need to be taken, they will be taken.

“One will say of course it's a worrisome factor that there was that statement issued. But of course one will not say it is a shock and it affects the programme of the weekend.”

Safa's technical director Walter Steenbok spoke earlier this week of the need for Safa to own the club licensing so that it can deal effectively with PSL clubs who do as they please when it comes to the coaches they employ.

Steenbok said PSL clubs should not be coached by anyone who has not yet obtained a Caf A licence, adding clubs like Swallows FC and Lamontville Golden Arrows with coaches who did not have such licences.

“I don't want to assume,” said Motlanthe when asked if Steenbok's comments may have led to the PSL pulling out of this weekend's indaba.

“It will be difficult for me to make that assumption. The letter has not spoken about any comments or anyone saying this or that, it was very clear. I think it will be unfortunate to make any assumptions or jumping the gun.

“I will write to the league and we'll get a response saying 'look these are the issues'. I do believe there's always a way of finding each other.

“I don't want us to muddy the waters and say this can't be done before we don't know what is the gist, what is the contention about. That's why I say, once you start assuming you'll end up saying things that are not even there.

“You may find that the issues they want to engage with the minister and Caf president is related to them. Like I say, let's get the response and not jump the gun.” 

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