Narissa Ramdhani
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Former academic Dr Narissa Ramdhani has added another feather to her cap with her appointment as honorary consul for the Republic of Chile.

Ramdhani, 55, CEO of the Ifa Lethu Foundation, South Africa's largest heritage repatriation and youth development body, was an obvious choice for the position given her strong links with the South American country through her work.

She will use her position to strengthen and build economic and cultural ties between the countries.

Under Ramdhani's leadership, Ifa Lethu has become the largest heritage repatriation organisation in South Africa and art collections - lost during the apartheid era - have been repatriated from countries such as the US, France, Australia, Spain, the UK and Germany.

Ramdhani said she was confident that her new position would allow her to attract investment from Chile.

"Aside from the cultural and youth development links, I have realised the value to be gained by investment between Chile and South Africa in the context of Ifa Lethu's work and the issue of job creation.

"Given my work and interest in the area of foreign investment, I became keen to see the diplomatic and economic ties between the Republic of Chile and South Africa, particularly Durban, strengthened.

"South Africa is one of the top investors in Chile's mining sector, and the country is now more appealing to the Chilean business and investor community."

Ramdhani said her ties with Chile would give her "leverage for encouraging investment in KwaZulu-Natal and therefore growing the economy of the province of my birth".

As honorary consul, Ramdhani will also be expected to act as a "contact point" for Chilean interests in KwaZulu-Natal.

Ramdhani is also in the throes of organising a fundraising gala dinner for her organisation at the mayor of London's home on September 4.

With tables costing nearly R40000, the investment dinner will feature a private performance by legendary musician Hugh Masekela.

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