Non-Fiction EXTRACT | ‘Can Africans Do Economics?’

To claim that poverty is inherent in Africa is to exculpate colonialism and neocolonialism, which allow the ...

Fiction Body horror: Alive and unwell
Fiction Plenty of juice: Bron Sibree interviews Tim Winton
Insight The Haarlem shuffle, Mzansi style
Fiction William Charlton-Perkins tells the story of a musical genius in his debut novel
News Another year of mystery and mayhem
News Penguin Random House SA celebrates 10-year anniversary
Fiction Richard Osman delivers death, mayhem and conspiracy in ‘We Solve Murders’
News Light that spark and embrace story time on #WorldReadAloudDay
Fiction EXTRACT | ‘The Great Hippopotamus Hotel’ by Alexander McCall Smith
Books Book Bites | Rams Mabote, Rachel Blackmore, Matt Haig
Fiction Creating better worlds
Non-Fiction Jacket Notes: Thami Nkadimeng on writing 'Finding Purpose'
News Exclusive Books recommends these reads in January
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Fiction ‘Shy Creatures’ is a compelling read
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Insight BOOK EXTRACT | We fought apartheid, not the whites
Non-Fiction ‘Want’ extract | Gillian Anderson shares a glimpse of women’s erotic inner worlds
Fiction If you want to write with power keep things vital, says Patricia Cornwell
Fiction Jacket Notes | Kurt Ellis on the backstory of his latest novel
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