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What do the stars hold in store for you this week?

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Happy happies! Your planets are (more or less) on track, pushing you to be your best - so you can claim your rewards. The vision you've been hanging on to is finally falling into place. Now's the time to get specific. Once you've taken a short (mandatory) break - essential for your shattered nerves - a fascinating new project, possibly with a partner, will need another look.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

You're in a much better mood since the goddess of charm and elegance moved in to tame your grumpiness. It is Christmas after all - and even you are required to behave yourself now and then. Your soul is calling, begging for a deeper look at meaning and purpose. There's magic in those fingers of yours. Amuse yourself by exploring all the options. There are plenty to keep you entertained.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

You're in the mood to dress up as a rooster and swing from the chandelier - you know, the fantasy thing. Better find someone broadminded to play with. Either way, you'll easily tire of the games. Your energies are fast, creative, intense and extremely impatient. Idiots and wimps won't last the day. Decide what will make you cheerful. And drink the whole crate.

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Here's your chance to take five. There are dreams to be dreamed, fantasies to be fantasised and masses of psychic intuition just waiting to burst through. By early next month you'll be back to your old self. Meanwhile, look out for some loving during Thursday's New Moon - fun but probably too hot to last. This is a week to enjoy for what it is - silly, amusing and vastly entertaining.

TAURUS(Apr 20 - May 20)

How is it that, even though you're taking a break, you feel you're working harder than ever? It's about attitude - and it's time for some new rules. Start practising now doing only what you really want to do. If you truly believe you have no choices, find ways to love what you're doing. That way, nothing seems like work. And if you're looking for love, look harder. It's out there.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

It's Christmas and the career is the last thing on your mind. Or is it? Sure, you've taken a few days off, but your head's still very much on the job. Well, you can relax. Work's taking care of itself and the money's where it is. Okay, so this may not be the most extravagant holiday you've ever had, but it's fun. And mindless. And extremely loud. Lust is on offer. Passion is available.

CANCER (June 21 - Jul 22)

Selfishness is your Christmas present to yourself. You're exhausted and you need a break from being the good guy. You probably need a week lying flat on your back - not necessarily alone. Failing that, make a list of your own needs before worrying about anyone else. And don't bother about rushing through your tasks. The pace is slow - so go slowly. Sip on long cool drinks.

LEO (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

It's a happy day - one to resolve ancient rages. And forgive lovers. And have a party - or five. Reds and oranges are the colours to wear for getting your own way. Other than that, it's holiday season and you're the host. Money is making itself and you're discovering just how many friends you've really got. One thing though: if you're hoping to stay faithful to one love, use a blindfold.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Planning rather than doing is your cosmic instruction - between mouthfuls of brandy delight. And if Santa's been remiss, make lists for yourself of unfulfilled desires. Haven't you heard that leftover wishes will have to be completed next time round? So you might as well go ahead and order that Lear jet now. And if there aren't enough presents under the tree, buy some extras for yourself.

LIBRA (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

It's Christmas day and no one had better mess with you. You're looking yummy and surging with inner electricity. Offers are pouring in thick and fast - and fabulous career moves are already on the cards. If the goodies haven't arrived yet, keep your eyes peeled for gaps in the market. As soon as you're ready ... pounce. Oh, and don't expect any help from lovers on this one. You're on your own.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Even pain can become familiar after a while. And although you're not in pain exactly, the conflict that comes with trying to please everyone can seem pretty painful to you. If you can't find the middle path, start from your own centre and walk outwards. And calm down. The planet won't stop spinning if you take a few days off. In case you hadn't noticed, the entire universe has slacked off.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Fabulous work opportunities are hot on your heels. Don't you dare fob them off because you're not in the mood. Holidays are no excuse to let chances waltz past. Besides, anything that really grabs you will feel more like fun than work. This is your chance to create a really big adventure. And if everyone's holding you back, shake them off and keep on trucking.

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