Timo ODV.
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From a relative unknown in the East Rand to an internationally recognised hit machine, Timo ODV's comparatively short career resembles a graph with a J curve.

Having recently released his latest EP Move, we caught up with him to discuss pressure, progress and his current favourite artists.

Do you feel pressured to reproduce your earlier work?

None to be honest. Last year I decided to make music that follows my heart.

How has your sound progressed since Save Me?

It's gotten a lot more underground.

Who are you listening to at the moment?

Thomas Schumacher, Stephan Bodzin, Dense & Pika, Jonas Rathsman, Franky Rizardo.

Does your playlist influence your music?

Definitely. Now that I've been listening to a lot of techno, those elements pop up.

Would you like producing other genres?

If I started loving it I would.

Do you feel pressured to put out new material?

There's always a bit but I'd rather release nothing than release something I don't believe in.

WATCH | The video for Timo ODV's hit track, Dancing Again

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Which up-and-coming producers should we be looking out for?

Kyle Watson. He's underrated and he's from South Africa.

• Timo ODV's latest EP 'Move' is available on Apple Music.


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