Image: 123RF/varka
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January 20 to February 18

How important is your love life? Are you taking it for granted? Are you getting lazy? People are in your life to make it better - or at least, more interesting. And with the planets changing as quickly as they are, you might decide to tell everyone to leave you alone. Hold that thought as you rethink your options. Meanwhile, how about looking at your career? Job changes are possible now.


February 19 to March 20

You're still dashing around in a froth, wondering how to handle the global madness. Once again, it is not up to you to fix the world. It is, however, up to you to be happy with your own life. First, get your health checked. Now think about the career. Your creative flow is back, urging you to make something wonderful happen. Just start playing around. You'll be helped.


March 21 to April 19

The planets are showing what needs to be fixed. It could be a problem with the house or there are family dramas you've been ignoring. Don't put it off anymore. As for health, get a check-up - even if you're feeling fabulous. Get a massage. Your stress levels are through the roof. Remind yourself to relax. Take a breath.


April 20 to May 20

Not exactly easing your way gently into the new year, are you? No matter. The universe has plans for you. Firstly, there's some travel - probably for business. If you can reschedule, do. If not, just insure everything. Next, there are family dramas. Everyone thinks you're the sensible one - which means you have to clean up everyone's mess. This week you get to be responsible. Yay.


May 21 – June 20

Have you been seducing everyone in sight? Now you have to deal with a whole bunch of people demanding your attention. How about weeding out the annoying ones? There's love out there - if you want it. And commitment. And friendships. And travel. In fact, there's so much going on, you hardly know where to start. You probably need another look at your finances.


June 21 to July 22

Are you wondering what happened to your love life? Well, as you know, the moon is your planet - so with two eclipses in a month, you're bound to lose the plot. Most of the drama is over, but you still have to deal with the results. Are you going to fix your relationships? Or is it time to make a move? You'll have to decide - or the universe will for you.

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July 23 to August 22

You've been messing about for far too long. It's time to get back to work. If you're still looking, there are plenty of jobs about. If you have a job, get back to it. When you have a moment, take a weekend to detox. Your poor body is groaning from all the abuse. Meanwhile, just because you're back at work, doesn't mean you can't have any fun. There's love out there - and you're even more popular than usual.


August 23 to September 22

Don't fret if you've been having hideous dreams. That's just the leftovers from the eclipse, stirring up anything that needs chucking out. There may be a couple of friendships that need rethinking. Generally though, save the big decisions for mid February. Watch your health and get some rest. You've been taking more strain than usual. It's a great week to hide from the world.


September 23 to October 22

Your love life is definitely looking up. The passion planets are already combing their hair. You just have to comb yours and put a welcoming smile on that fabulous face. Also, it might help if you actually knew what you wanted - for a change. The career, meanwhile, is a different story. If you're looking for something new, this is the time to get your name out there.


October 23 to November 21

Take a breath. Take several. From mid-March your life will change. The money planets are looking particularly fabulous, so if there are deals about, grab them all. Sign contracts. Make decisions. This is one of those weeks when you get to be the big cheese.


November 22 to December 21

Of course there's been some drama. Two eclipses in a row can push anyone over a few edges. But truthfully, you're in much better shape than any of the others. For you, enthusiasm and prosperity continue, with just a hint of confusion thrown in. Money's doing really well - or at the very least, carrying on as before. For now, get out there and have a drink with some friends. Your social life is picking up and your travels are just beginning. Everyone loves you. Find ways to love yourself.


December 22 to January 19

All this wild planetary madness is affecting your love life. Not so much that you'll have to retreat into a cave - but enough that you'll have to rethink your relationships. The point is, it takes a long time to learn how to be yourself. It takes even longer to figure out what you really want. And this is your chance to start. Don't be surprised if you'd rather be alone for a while. Or if you're constantly changing your mind.

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