Yoga demands clothes that fit properly.
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What you wear to yoga is as important as the workout itself. Far too many mishaps happen because of badly assembled yoga outfits. The simplest advice is make sure it fits tightly.

Bev Slauck - the resident yoga expert at Commander HQ, an online activewear store that stocks the trendy Ali August printed leggings - has seen it all. 

She shares some of the most cringe-worthy moments she has seen as a yoga instructor:

1. Hanging free and baggy pants

Many people enjoy the freedom of no underwear, but in a yoga class? Not recommended for squats, balancing on your haunches with your knees pointing out in the Garland pose or the Crow pose - with buttocks pointing outward. It's a position that demands underwear, trust me.

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2. G-strings, bikini tops and baggy t-shirts

From wedgies to runaway breasts and muffin tops, you'll wish you wore something else.

3. Not all black leggings are created equal

Fitted, long black yoga pants are the little black dress of the fitness world. But not all black leggings are the same. When stretched, some reveal more than you want them to.

4. Perfume doesn't mask bad body odour

When you're breathing deeply using the Ujjayi breathing technique, scent can be overwhelming and suffocating. A scent-free deodorant does the trick better than cloying fragrances.

Slauck sums up: "The secret to having the ultimate yoga experience is to eliminate all external hindrances like noise, bright light, uncomfortable clothing and accessories and, most importantly technology, for the duration of your practice. Namaste." 


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