Iconic South African clothing brand Stoned Cherrie is branching into a new kind of design - homeware. We spoke to founder and creative director Nkhensani Nkosi about her label's upcoming ceramics line.

Times LIVE: Stoned Cherrie is synonymous with high-quality clothing and is a much-loved brand. Why branch into ceramics? How did the idea come about?

From inception we have always had a lifestyle philosophy and the branching into diffusion lines was a logical step for us. We have always loved the idea of creating a solution for the home that reflects the Stoned Cherrie aesthetic and philosophy.

Times LIVE: How long did it take to go from inception to get to the now, where the items are real, tangible products?

I have dabbled in ceramics and pottery as a hobby for over 10 years and as a young adult I painted and drew portraits and images that reflected me as a young person growing up in South Africa. I have only recently built the courage to take myself seriously as a painter and an artist. I had a vision and a dream of doing something meaningful with my passion for the creative process and I took a leap of faith with the ceramics.

Times LIVE: How are you feeling about the launch of the designs? How do you think/ hope they will be received?   

I am thrilled about the launch of the range. As it is hand painted it was created with love over a long period of time and I would love it if the pieces land up with people who feel the love with which they were painted.

Times LIVE: What was the idea behind some of the designs?

Over the past coupe of years I have been intrigued by the concept of creation. I have been equally fascinated by the idea that there is a matrix or sacred geometry which is the basic DNA of all creation. I came across Drunvalo Melchizedek’s concepts of the flower of life, the egg of life, the seed of life etc and have been amazed at how these concepts can be found in all major religions of the world. All these configurations contain the master pattern of creation. My items are my expression of this oneness of spirit, this commonality or unity that is expressed in the various tribes of the world through geometric shapes and patterns.

Times LIVE: Did you envisage the designs finding homes in particular types of surroundings? As in, was there a certain home/ space you saw the ceramics in? How did that influence the designs, if at all?

The designs were not inspired by any particular physical space. I like design that dictates itself and very rarely begin with a concrete idea of the final product in my head. The shapes of the hand painted graphic images are often dictated by the shape of the “canvass” which makes the process more fluid and flexible.

Times LIVE: When/ how will the designs become available to the public?

We will begin by selling online. People can view the range by appointment at our new headquarters in Parkmore which is due to launch in October. We hope to be available through other distribution channels in the near future both locally and globally.

Times LIVE: Is there anything else you’d like the Times LIVE readers to know about the Stoned Cherrie ceramics?

We are in the research and development phase of creating products that are more sustainable, using more eco-friendly materials and processes. We are excited to make products that reflect our beliefs in sustainability. Hopefully this will translate into our apparel.

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