July is traditionally rose pruning month in South Africa.
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The weather may not be any warmer in July and August, but the days are getting longer. Spring is just around the corner; it's time to start planning and prepping your summer garden

1. IMPROVE YOUR SOIL. Now's the time to begin applying compost and organic fertilisers. Try one of the new natural microbial products, which improve soil structure and health and enable plants to take up nutrients more efficiently. These include mycorrhizal fungi, effective microorganisms and other soil inoculants. See mycoroot.com; emlife.co.za and naturalgardeningprinciples.co.za.


2. PRUNE: Roses, vines and fruit trees are top of the list. Other trees and shrubs, except for spring bloomers, should be cut as necessary. Ornamental grasses can also be cut down in early August.

3. TREAT YOUR LAWN your lawn to its annual scarifying and topdressing now. Wait until the first rains before applying granular fertilisers. Consider reducing the size and simplifying the shape to reduce the amount of mowing, edging and watering required.

4. STAKE PLANTS and tie in creepers. August is famously windy - make sure that vulnerable plants are properly supported before the big blow begins.

5. REPOT FERNS AND OTHER CONTAINER PLANTS, large and small, in fresh, compost-enriched soil.  Add water retaining granules plus a little bonemeal for long-term nourishment. Make a note to treat yourself to a pot of two of cymbidium orchids, in flower from August.


6. SOW SEED of summer annuals and herbs in trays. Root vegetables, brassicas and sweetcorn can also be sown from August. Water seed in trays with tepid rather than cold water. Plan your summer sowings and order heirloom seed now: see livingseeds.co.za and soughtafterseedlings.co.za.

7. PLANT COLOUR. If your garden’s looking a bit bleak, take a trip to a garden centre to see what indigenous plants are in flower. You should find honey-scented, Buddleia auriculata, the tree fuchsia, Halleria lucida and masses of aloes, all good nectar plants. For winter-rainfall gardeners, there will be a wonderful range of fynbos and proteas.

8. ORDER SUMMER BULBS. A wonderful array y of indigenous beauties bloom from mid to late summer. They include nerines, dierama, galtonia, eucomis, crinums and numerous species of cyrtanthus. Some species are available at nurseries, but you can also order online from a number of specialist websites. See simplyindigenous.co.za; shirebulbs.co.za; hadecoshop.com and bestafricanbulbs.co.za

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