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Talk about refusing to go down without a fight!

A snake looking for an easy meal was in for a nasty surprise when the baby monitor lizard it had caught put up one hell of a fight in an attempt to escape the jaws of death.

The gripping video was captured by Kristy DeLange, 49. In it, the snake can be seen with its jaw firmly locked on the lizard's neck, while the small animal valiantly tries to ward off its captor.

The battle for survival continues for a few minutes. Despite the brave lizard's attempts, the predator eventually manages to subdue its prey before slowly devouring it.

DeLange explained how the dramatic incident unfolded. "My family and I visited the MalaMala Game Reserve in March. I was sitting on the porch reading a book when I heard a noise. The next thing I saw was a triangle of reptiles! A western yellow-bellied sand snake and a young monitor lizard were both biting at each other," she told Latest Sightings

"This sighting just does go to show that we should treasure the little things! Don’t only go looking for what the high-profile animals in the wild are up to. There’s just as much to see when it comes to the smaller creatures. Sometimes what they get up to can be just as thrilling to witness."

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