A new look for Captain America.
Image: Stuart Immonen- Marvel
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Marvel Comic’s newest Captain America will be an African-American.

Sam Wilson, aka The Falcon will pick up Captain America’s shield in the All-New captain America comic to be released in spring, announced Marvel chief creative officer Joe Quesada.

Buzzfeed reported that the new instalment is written by Rick Remender and has artwork by Stuart Immonen. After the original Captain America, Steve Rogers has his super serum sucked out he loses his super-soldier abilities and instantly ages hundreds of years. Allowing his mantle to be taken up by The Falcon.

This is the second major announcement of Marvel’s shake up of super heroes this week. Thor has turned into a woman and Avengers NOW contemplates a new suit design for Iron Man.

“I think it’s important with these stores to do things that are natural and make sense and have an inherent logic to the universe, but are also constantly shifting and exciting, keeping the drama high,” said Remender on Marvel.com. “In order to do that it really comes down to creating new dynamics.”

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