In honour of Misty Copeland making world history as the first black principal ballerina, we take a look at her most inspiring quotes.

On self-doubt and not giving up

“I had moments of doubting myself, and wanting to quit, because I didn’t know that there would be a future for an African-American woman to make it to this level. At the same time, it made me so hungry to push through, to carry the next generation. So it’s not me up here — and I’m constantly saying that — it’s everyone that came before me that got me to this position.”


On being determined on mastering your craft - Misty started dancing on her toes after three months of training while it takes many ballerinas three years

"Once I was a part of it, I couldn't get enough of it. So, every day I came into the ballet studio, it was like, "Oh my gosh, I'm going to learn something new today. What is it going to be?" And just soaking it all up. I just never experienced anything like that."

On setting out to change the history books

"My fears are that it could be another two decades before another black woman is in the position that I hold with an elite ballet company," she wrote in her 2014 memoir. "That if I don't rise to principal, people will feel I have failed them."



On continuing to pursue perfection

“People are surprised to hear that I still go to class.  “But that’s what dancers do.”

She embraced being black and identifying herself as a black woman

Something that my mother instilled in me as a biracial woman herself, and me being biracial, was that the world was going to view me as a black woman, no matter what I decided to do.’

On inspiring others through her tough upbringing

"My family life and upbringing was difficult. The thing is it is such a common upbringing in our society. Yet in the dance world my experience is that most don't come from a similar story to mine. The opportunities I get to speak to young underprivileged kids that can truly relate to my story and struggle are probably the times I feel that dance has helped my growth as an individual and to learn from my past the most."


The best piece of advice she has received

"The best piece of advice that I remember probably on a daily basis is to accept everything about me that is different. That is what makes me special."

Sources: New Yorker, The Times, New York Times, BBC, Glamour

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