iFani has apologised for his behaviour during a public feud with Sony two years ago, saying that he wanted them to change so he could be happy.
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The rapper has committed to changing his outlook on life and has spent the last few months trying to make peace with himself and his past.

Part of that resolve, it seems, is addressing the old ghost of a public feud with his record company Sony Music.

Taking to Twitter on Wednesday, iFani opened up about the lessons he learnt from their feud.

"I remember how happy I was when I got signed. I remember how sad I was after I blew up. I was a lost child, kodwa. I'm glad I changed," he wrote at the start of his message.

He revealed that he had unrealistic expectations of happiness.

"I was mad trying to get them to change so I could be happy, Little did I know that it's me who had to change before my world could change."

It was a painful lesson that taught iFani the truth about blame.

"I've learnt that blame only destroys the person blaming. Not the blamed. Until that person decides to change and embrace life. Forgiving yourself is the first step towards happiness. Then forgive others. Then learn that nobody can make you happy except you," he added.

He said that the past year has given him a maturity that has led him to want to apologise.

"I've learnt a lot in the past year. A lot about myself, about success, about happiness. I apologise for the person I was. Sincerely," he wrote. 

iFani signed with Sony in 2012. But a battle between them came to a head in 2014 when iFani took to social media to blast the label for not doing enough to promote his career.

"Leaving my record label is the ONLY solution. But since they know that will make me happy, they'll fight it. It's as if they hate my smile!," he famously tweeted at the time.

He was released and then, a short while later, re-signed with the label after making up with them.

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