On Valentine's Day 2013 the world woke up to the shocking news that SA Olympian Oscar Pistorius had shot and killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Now three years later, a similar story is being told by SA Zef group Die Antwoord in their new music video released this week.

The video, for the group's new single Banana Brain, was released on Wednesday and features a number of scenes that draw similarities to the shooting of Reeva Steenkamp. 

For a start, the group's frontman Ninja is seen throughout the video wearing prosthetic limbs similar to those worn by Oscar.


The video plays out with him taking the group's ¥o-landi Vi$$er to a house party, where she disappears into a room to make out with another lady. Once Ninja discovers this he pulls her into another room and she appears to hallucinate about him pulling a gun on her.

A disturbed ¥o-landi then runs into a bathroom for refuge, while Ninja follows her and beats at the closed door. He then takes out a gun and fires shots at the door, before kicking the door down with his prosthetic legs. Minutes later Ninja is seen opening the door and embracing ¥o-landi.

There are also small references to the incident found in the suburban house, similar to that owned by Oscar, which Ninja picks ¥o-landi up from. There is also a poster that quotes Oscar, reading "Reeva wil my nie in tronk he" (Reeva doesn't want me in jail).

The video has been viewed nearly half-a-million times since its release and has been featured by a number of prestigious international music publications, nearly all commenting on its "Hallucinatory" and "questionable" content.

Check out the video below.


Paralympian Oscar Pistorius was sentenced in 2014 to five-years in prison on a charge of culpable homicide‚ following the shooting. That conviction was set aside by the Supreme Court of Appeal in December last year and replaced with a 6-year murder conviction.

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