Lerato can't help but gush about her prince charming.
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If DJ Zinhle's solid clapback to a follower, who implied that she was "copying" Bonang's posts wasn't enough to send a message to haters, Lerato Kganyago is here to tell ya'll Zinhle has backup.

Shortly after Zinhle caused a frenzy with her spicy clapback, Lerato shared her thoughts on the situation.

"So now Zinhle can't show off her love life," questioned Lerato on Snapchat.

She added that social media trolls must be on drugs. "These trolls must be on Bluetooth," she said.

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Sjoe, Lerato ain't playing games.

Zinhle set the internet on fire when she flaunted a bouquet of roses from her man on Instagram. Coincidently Bonang also shared a similar post a few days before about how AKA spoilt her, which a follower decided to point out.

But the DJ was having none of it. "I'm a woman who had to pick up the pieces for her shattered life. I forgave myself and moved on. People like you don't think I suffered enough so you come here looking for other ways to make sure I'm in more hurt," she said.

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