Professor has given Mzansi great house/kwaito songs with a gospel message.
Image: Via Instagram
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This (below) can still be you this Easter, even if you don't make it to church.
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Look, we know this is the time you are supposed to be submitting to you mama's house rules and getting yourself to church. We also know that babelaas, (and other factors like that unplanned reunion with your cousins) is real and may distract you from getting your praise on at church.

If you can't get your praise on at church, perhaps you could still get it on the dance floor. *lightbulb moment*

Instead of listening to gqom tracks with lyrics your mother will most likely question, you can resort to great house tracks with a gospel message.

Professor has experience in the field of bringing church to the party.

This may be the perfect time to give his song, Composed By Jesus Christ, a listen?  The title suggests he got some holy inspiration.

His song, Lento, is still one of the few dance songs that always make people feel like they are grooving and praising at the same time.

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Have you heard people coming from a party and talking about how they feel like they've been to church?

Sometime it's songs like this that just makes one feel like: Hallelujah!

Candi Staton's Hallelujah Anyway issa jam!

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Now this song is a classic! *sorry 2000s, you won't know this one*

This song has a summarised version of the message of Good Friday, which many pastors will tell you is at the very core of Christianity.

"Jesus died on the cross and paid the price for your sins..."

Can we get an Amen!?

Dennis Ferrer - Church Lady.

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