Actress Florence Masebe did a good deed.
Image: Instagram/ Florence Masebe
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While Twitter may get flack for being a space that often hosts hostile people who are out to get each other, the flipside is that it can serve so much good in the community, as shown by veteran actress Florence Masebe helping a broken-hearted woman recently.

Through "O Jewa Keng" tweeps met a woman, called @CandyZengW who told her heart-wrenching story of how she lost her son who was born with rare conditions and died in 2018.

"My son's death still feels fresh in my heart, I have decided to go home and all I wish for my little man is to put a tombstone on his grave since I'm going home for good and I can't help but feel like I'm leaving my son behind. He was born with rare conditions and passed away last year," she said.

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Candy said she had been unable to get a proper tombstone for her son and that is when Florence stepped in.

The actress, who lost her baby boy in 2015, didn't only sympathise with words, RTs and likes, she went a step further and looked up people who could help her out.

She contacted Batuang Memorials to consider helping Candy out with a tombstone.

Even though it was brought about by unfortunate events, Florence's (and the people she robed in) good deeds warmed our hearts.
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