Bonnie Mbuli didn't mince her words even when Twitter attacked her.
Image: Via Instagram/BonnieMbuli
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Actress Bonnie Mbuli has hit back at tweeps who dragged her to filth on Monday after she insinuated that women raising boy-children have a hand in how they grow up to be perpetrators of GBV and abuse.

The actress stood unapologetically behind her stance even after she had multiple shots fired her way when she took to Twitter to ask: “You don’t want to hear this ... I don’t either, but who raised these men? We did!”

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Bonnie's tweet came as the TL discussed and shared different opinions on musicians DJ Black Coffee and rapper AKA, who have been accused of GBV, after an application for a protection order against Black Coffee by his estranged wife was denied and videos showing the “tumultuous” side to AKA and his late fiancée Nelli Tembe's relationship.

Bonnie's tweet caught fire when mostly women accused her of stripping the men of the accountability they ought to have for their barbaric behaviour, adding that she's essentially assigning the blame for rising GBV stats on women.

Others agreed with Bonnie's standpoint, while others agreed that the question may be valid, they expressed the opinion that Bonnie's tweet was over-simplifying the situation.

Here are some of the reactions below:

Meanwhile, Bonnie remained firm in her opinion, refusing to be moved.

However, as she engaged with some tweeps, Bonnie put some more context to her “provocative” question.

I’m raising two boys and I've witnessed in me a temptation to copy-paste how I saw women around me raise boys, what we say to them about their identity based on their father's sins, what we blame them for, how we project toxicity onto them and I've had to be mindful, we are all responsible,” Bonnie tweeted.

Read her interactions below:


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