Celeste Khumalo has another qualification in the bag.
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Generations: The Legacy actress Celeste Khumalo has bagged an MBA in luxury brand management and is over the moon with her achievement.

The former Miss Teen SA and digital creator took to social media to share the great news. Captioning a snap of herself, the actress wrote “Another MBA in the bag!”

Celeste received her second MBA at Sup de Luxe in Paris. The actress also got herself a certificate in luxury design management at Parsons in Paris and Polimoda in Paris and Florence.

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She told TshisaLIVE in 2019 the balancing act between school and work wasn't a walk in the park.

The model and TV star, who plays Bulelwa on the popular SABC1 soapie, said at the time the journey had been difficult but she was committed to completing the qualification.

“My MBA story is a tough one. I have been on and off with the MBA. I still call myself an MBA student because I haven't completed it, but the journey has been paused for a bit.”

She said a lot had happened in her life over the past year, from losing family members to getting new gigs.

“It would have been great if I could start the MBA and finish it in record time, but I have come to a place in my life where it will be done when it will be done. I am not putting pressure on myself.”

When she was younger she thought she had it all sorted out, but now realised that some things were better left to God's timing.

“It has brought a lot of patience. I have had to be patient with myself and forgiving of myself. It is also a financial obligation. I have resolved to paying for the degree on my own and it is not easy. I am a homeowner. I also want to travel.”

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