Nandi Madida was one of the hosts of this year’s SA Music Awards ceremony on Sunday.
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After a two-year hiatus the SA Music Awards (Samas) have left some tweeps with a bitter taste in their mouths.

They believe the live show on Sunday night missed the mark and failed to rise to the occasion. 

Twitter was abuzz with tweeps who were seemingly disappointed by, among other things, the sound and absent artists. The words that summed up the evening were "ikhona into ebi off". 

On Twitter many said the event has dropped its standards. 

Here are some reactions:

“I really hope he #SAMA28 production team is going to sit down after this mess and reflect about how the production of #SAMAs28 was not on point.

“I just hope they won't fumble Makhadzi's performance like they did with the other artists. That sound nkare tapeiti yerr. Ke gemors nje”

“Sunday is definitely not a good day for the #SAMAs28. Half the artists are not here to receive their awards. Their absence make the awards look like a Popeye production!”

See some tweets:

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When the gospel music segment came on, tweeps were starting to feel like they were watching an awards ceremony, with many praising the singers for always knowing how to salvage a "bad sound" moment. 

“So far the gospel artists have carried the performance section of this fiasco on their backs. Waiting for Makhadzi now. I’m sure she will deliver.”

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