A look inside Khuli Chana's luxury 40th birthday celebration.
Image: Instagram/Khuli Chana
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Whether it's an anniversary gift, baevaction or even a birthday celebration, DJ Lamiez and her husband Khuli Chana have showed they do not shy away from splurging on the best.

The couple took to their timeline on Monday to give their followers a glimpse at what went down at Khuli's surprise 40th birthday celebration on August 27.

In one of the posts shared, Khuli revealed Lamiez had gifted him with his first Rolex watch.

Rolex watches, which are assembled by hand, cost from R93,000 to R3m in SA, according to Luxity

“Finally on the fourth floor with my forever. @lamiez_holworthy I love you. O Lepara. Thank you for a special night. You and Imelda Klow (Lamiez's mother) set the bar high. My surprise birthday celebration was one for the books. A night to remember,” Khuli wrote.

“This next chapter in our lives? An answered prayer,” Lamiez wrote. 

“40 years of greatness, four years as cherri ya gao, three as your wife (you proposed on this very day) and forever to go. Happy birthday best friend. I know God loves me because of you. Kao rata, ko tseya best, ke tlala Ka wena bline.

See some images from the event below:

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