Robbie Malinga Jnr wants to make a difference.
Image: Via Robbie Malinga's Instagram
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Robbie Malinga Jnr, popularly known as Rob Mally, has extended a helping hand to the less fortunate. 

According to Red X magazine, Robbie helped 40 families and schoolchildren around the country with groceries — an initiative led and inspired by the life his late father, musician Robbie Malinga.

“My dad used to identify random families in different provinces and assist with groceries throughout the year since I was in primary school. What I have learnt from my dad is that me helping families doesn’t afford me a right to parade them ... leaving them happy with their dignity still intact for me is humility and respect,” he said.

The 21-year-old took to his Instagram timeline, writing on how he felt a need to give back because of the constant rise of unemployment. 

“It's so lit to be able to help people when unemployment keeps rising by the day” he wrote. 

In the comments section, his mother, Ann Malinga, was brimming with pride, saying his father would be proud to witness what he had done.

“I'm super proud of you my heart. Daddy is looking down at you with his signature smile. I miss and love you,” she wrote.

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