Big Zulu ready to box
Image: Instagram/ Big Zulu
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Rapper Big Zulu is preparing for his first boxing match. 

People were probably expecting him to fight rapper Cassper Nyovest because the pair have been engaged in a back and forth Twitter exchange with each other in the hopes of getting together in the ring one day. But Big Zulu announced on his Instagram timeline he will fight someone from White Collar Boxing on April 23.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE he said the people he has been training with organised the match and like any amateur he would use this time to see if he has what it takes to be a boxer and also prepare for his most anticipated fight with Cassper Nyovest. 

“I'm trying even now as we speak. I'm going into the gym in Newcastle. It's not easy because I'm busy with shows, spending time in the studio now. To add to that I have to train. It's a little challenging, but I'm trying.” 

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The rapper had been challenged by Cassper Nyovest who has been having what has been dubbed Celeb City boxing matches against other celebs. 

“The way that I am going to gym and everything is because Cassper challenged me and wanted to box with me. So as someone who grew up in the village who always takes up a challenge, I accepted. So he ended up disappearing when we were supposed to go through with it. He disappeared and I had already started. So I've been pushing and training so those people who have been training me decided that since Cassper didn't want to release a date for the fight, it's better that we find you someone to fight with  before Cassper.”

Big Zulu didn't want to completely rule out a fight with Cassper, saying it might still happen. 

“He said he will  be there for the fight. Obviously he's gonna be there to watch me and how I fight, and what he can use when that time comes for us to finally box. Yes, this whole thing was started by him (Cassper Nyovest).”

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