Lasizwe Dambuza wants to make a conscious decision when it comes to alcohol consumption.
Image: Instagram/ Lasizwe Dambuza
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In April, media personality Lasizwe Dambuza announced he was taking a break from alcohol. Now, almost three months later, he wears the badge of sobriety with pride. 

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, he said the journey has not been easy because he is part of an industry where at every event alcohol is free-flowing. 

“Sobriety is going well. Every day I'm tempted to drink. It is such a beautiful journey to be able to make such a conscious decision whether you want to drink or not. So with this sabbatical, essentially. I'm not saying I'm quitting alcohol because I'm an alcoholic — no, I want to have the control and the choice to say I want to drink or I don't want to drink.

“When I'm drinking, what is the purpose of drinking? Are we celebrating? I don't want to just drink alcohol nje. I want to be able to be in the moment and say we are all cheers-ing, have a drink and be responsible,” he said.

In the few months he has been alcohol-free, the YouTuber said it has made him view his life in a different light and change his mindset. 

“I'm a big advocate for mental health. I think you guys have seen my journey about it. I've been transparent about it and how it has affected me. I almost lost my life a few years ago and I'm conscious of when I'm anxious, when I've got anxiety, when I'm approaching depression.

“That I have been on sabbatical, it gives me that experience of experiencing problems sober. Because — there's a saying: 'my problems need alcohol, fast' — I'm in a moment where my problems need me sober.

“I've learnt one beautiful thing from my sabbatical: I've learnt to be less of a complainer and more solutions-driven.”

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