Boity Thulo opted for some family time.
Image: Instagram/Boity Thulo
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Media personality Boity Thulo gave the festivities at the Hollywood Bets Durban July a miss this year.

The July is the country’s most spectacular horse racing event where fashion meets music and lifestyle.

Taking to her Twitter timeline, the rapper replied to a tweep who asked her if she didn't go to Durban.

“Nope. Spent the weekend with my grandma,” she replied.

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Last year's event was themed “show me the honey”. Speaking to TshisaLIVE on race day then, Boity said she felt like she was the theme, she lived and dripped honey.

“I felt honey, the new queen is in town. I felt like that is a representation of lavishness of beauty, of glam and royalty — and honey looks like gold, so I felt like I was just representing the fact that I was wearing honey. Like it's on my skin and it kind of looks honeyish, so I was inspired by the idea of honey being very royal gold and beautiful and glamorous.

“It's been a long while but I'm grateful that we are able to return to whatever normal is there for us to step back into.”

Boity loves expressing love and doing it loudly for the women in her life. On Mother's Day recently she gushed about her grandmother, one of the women who raised her.

“Motherhood is such a supernatural power that I myself cannot wait to experience. To my mom, my aunt and my grandma ... I am because you are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuously nurturing me, loving me, supporting me, protecting me and praying for me daily. I love you with all of my heart and soul. And I want to show you that love for as long as I live,” she captioned her post on Instagram.

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