Tyler ICU speaks about his hit single 'Mnike'.
Image: Instagram/ Tyler ICU
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Tyler ICU has responded to allegations about ownership of his hit song Mnike

This after the co-creators of the song, Nandipha808 and Ceeka RSA, claimed Tyler ICU and DJ Maphorisa put their names on the song.

The DJ and producer joined a Space conversation with a controversial blogger, clearing the air and saying everyone had been credited accordingly and this was an attempt to taint his brand because he was now getting gigs. 

“I didn't finesse anybody. I work with people all the time. I worked with a bunch of producers [and] no-one has ever come out to say I robbed them and sh*t. Only these kids because they feel pressured that I am gigging. It just so happens that the song is a hit and I am getting more gigs,” Tyler ICU said. 

“The song is mine and Tumelo's, including DJ Maphorisa, Nandipha, Ceekara and Tyronedee,” he wrote on his timeline. 

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Tyler ICU on the impact of 'Mnike'.
Image: Instagram/ Tyler ICU

In another post, Tyler ICU thanked his supporters who had helped make the song a success as he had previously not been in a good space.

“Thank you so much. I thank you guys for being such great supporters in my career. This is life-changing not only to me but also to the people involved in the songs.

“Mostly thank God because I wouldn’t be here today. Those who know that at the beginning of the year I had it bad, that I was nearly gone from this world.”


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