Lebohang "Lebo M" Morake instructs his lawyers to deliver the divorce summons to the sheriff for personal service to Pretty.
Image: Alaister Russell
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Lebohang “Lebo M” Morake instructed his lawyers to serve a divorce summons on his estranged wife Pretty Samuels-Morake on Thursday after she served him with a protection order earlier this week.

According to a statement shared with TshisaLIVE by Lebo M Productions, Lebo M instructed his lawyers to deliver the divorce summons to the sheriff for personal service to Pretty after she confirmed to Morake’s lawyers she would personally pick up the documents at the Midrand sheriff's office. 

This after Pretty appeared with police at Lebo's home in Johannesburg on August 23.

“For weeks earlier, both the first and the second attempts by Lebo M for the families to meet had been sabotaged by Pretty Samuels, no meeting ever took place. Lebo M spent the entire morning of August 23 in conversations with Pretty Samuel’s family, attempting a third meeting for 'Abakhongi'.

“During this time, Lebo M had been informing Pretty Samuels of the current status quo while Pretty was plotting to ambush the Morake family home with the police,” read the statement.

Samuels told TshisaLIVE she preferred to lead a private life and didn't want to play everything out in the media because it was very personal and “cut through” her heart. 

“I'm exercising my legal rights as a wife ... I stand by my statements. As a legal wife, I have my rights. If there's anything illegal, the estates wouldn't have opened up for the South African Police Service to enter the property and deliver what they have to deliver.

“I had to be escorted by policemen because I do not have access to the property and the police had to deliver documents. I was delivering a protection order. As a citizen, as a wife, as a spouse, I have legal rights. And those legal rights allow me to do that.”

Pretty explained why she decided to drop off Lebo M's car at Nicolway, Bryanston.

“I dropped off the car where I said was more safe. Because I had a husband who was playing this all in the media. So I didn't know if I was going to be ambushed. If you're a wife, as a husband you need to protect your family, and if you have issues you do not throw your wife out in the streets. Even if there were issues in the family, you sort them out quietly without the media. I'm not at my marital home [because] I do not have access to it.”

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