Rapper Emtee is proud of his sobriety journey.
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Emtee has had it with people accusing him of consuming alcohol.

In a recent Instagram live video, the rapper addressed social media comments claiming he was drunk.

“I don't drink liquor mother f**ker. I don't like liquor. Get it through your thick skull. Stop telling me I'm drunk. Did you give me the drinks?” he said.

This is not the first time the Roll Up hitmaker has had to explain he does not drink alcohol.

During his episode on the L-Tido Podcast, Emtee, who was drinking tea with four sugars, said he preferred marijuana.

He went on to expand on his 10-year journey of sobriety.

“One of the reasons I stopped drinking alcohol, I came to the realisation that alcohol is actually the devil himself inside the bottle. I see how people behave when they're drunk. I see what it does to people.

“The nicest n*gga might turn out to be the toughest n*gga because he is drunk ... my dad used to be heavy on it, and I used to see what it does to him. I don't want to be a statistic, so please give me the ganja only.”

On his Twitter (X) timeline, Emtee said he was proud of himself having gone without alcohol for so long. 

“10 years sober from alcohol. That thing is the devil. Stoners be down to earth like a mf.”

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