Singer Zahara has died.
Image: Instagram/ Zahara
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Zahara made her intended legacy clear in a candid interview two years before her passing.

Bulelwa “Zahara” Mkutukana died in hospital on Monday evening surrounded by family and loved ones. An official statement shared on the singer's official pages confirmed the news.  

The statement did not disclose the cause of her death. Zimoja, quoting sources, said the singer was in intensive care and in need of a liver transplant. 

Throughout her career the award-winning singer made controversial headlines, but through her music she spread messages of hope, inspiration and healing. 

When asked what she wanted to be remembered for during an interview on Podcast and Chill, Zahara said: “I want to be remembered as the girl next door who changed lives. That's it. Whether you live in a shack or stay in the suburbs, know I am next door because my music is there to inspire you. Whenever you need her, she is there to inspire you and give you hope.”

Watch the snippet of the interview below:

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