A kilometre of gill nets removed from Durban river and lagoon

08 October 2019 - 17:21
By Orrin Singh

Gill nets totalling 1,000m were recovered during an anti-poaching joint operation between police and KwaZulu-Natal Ezemvelo Wildlife in Durban on Tuesday. 

The nets, which had snagged several fish, crabs and a duck, were pulled out of the Umgeni River between the N3 bridge and the Blue Lagoon River mouth. 

Police, Durban Search and Rescue (SAR), Metro Police SAR, Metro Police Crime Prevention and KZN Ezemvelo Wildlife's Dr Jennifer Olbers managed to seize a canoe, a surf ski, a stand up paddle board, an improvised wood frame with tarpaulin shell and eight polystyrene flotation devices during the operation. 

Several fish species were released along with the crabs and the duck.