United Herzlia Schools close after parent 'exposed' to people infected with coronavirus

12 March 2020 - 13:20
By Naledi Shange
United Herzlia Schools sent a letter to parents on Thursday saying it had decided to be proactive and keep children away from school for the rest of the week.
Image: STR/AFP United Herzlia Schools sent a letter to parents on Thursday saying it had decided to be proactive and keep children away from school for the rest of the week.

United Herzlia Schools has closed campuses in Cape Town for the rest of the week as a precaution after a parent was “exposed” to people who tested positive for the coronavirus.

A number of schools are taking extra precautions, with 17 people in SA infected.

United Herzlia Schools sent a letter to parents on Thursday morning saying it had decided to be proactive and keep children away from school for the rest of the week. Parents were requested to fetch their children.

“There is a parent in our community who has recently returned to Cape Town after attending a function where there have been confirmed Covid-19 infected individuals present and he is currently showing signs of illness,” the school said.

“We are awaiting the test results for the virus, which we expect [Friday] afternoon. His children have been in our schools over this last week. We have already begun deep cleaning and will continue to do so over the next few days.”

The school stressed that it did not want to cause panic, but had, in the interim, cancelled all school trips for the remainder of the term.

“With immediate effect, we are also stopping the use of the biometric fingerprint system, until further notice. We will use alternative attendance registers when the schools reopen. There is a responsibility on parents who are travelling to self-quarantine themselves and their children for two weeks before sending children back to school,” the circular read. 

In Johannesburg, another school with a parent who became ill has decided to remain open.

“We have had our first case of a parent diagnosed with the Covid-19 in the King David Primary School in Linksfield. Having travelled from the United States via Dubai to South Africa, he arrived feeling slightly ill,” said the school in a letter to parents.

“This parent acted responsibly, placed himself in immediate quarantine from his family and friends, and got tested. Subsequent to that, he kept his children out of school as a precaution and they will also remain at home for 14 days,” the communication read.

The school, however, said it was not shutting its doors.

It asked parents who had recently travelled to coronavirus-hit countries to keep their children home for at least 14 days.