POLL | Is SA taking the right measures to stop the spread Covid-19 on public transport?
The government this week announced plans to implement protective measures against the coronavirus for millions of people who use public transport.
Felicity Purchase, from Cape Town's transport department, said hand sanitisers would be distributed at taxi ranks to help commuters avoid the virus..
She added that among other measures being taken by the city was the reduction of standing passengers in MyCiTi buses to maintain social distancing. Purchase said buses would be cleaned regularly and urged commuters to avoid crowded spaces, TimesLIVE reported.
Transport minister Fikile Mbalula on Monday said his department was working towards implementing plans to protect taxi drivers and more than 16-million commuters.
Mbalula said plans included regular sanitation of surfaces in trains and taxis, as well as educational campaigns to raise awareness among commuters.
On Wednesday SA had 116 known Covid-19 cases.
South Africa Your cash doesn't have coronavirus, don’t give it to criminals: Reserve Bank 4 years ago |