Sandra Munsamy's alleged kidnappers identified as trial gets under way

28 February 2022 - 17:07
By Orrin Singh
Hawks investigators remove the chains attached to Sandra Munsamy's ankle when she was rescued on November 7 2019.
Image: Court documents Hawks investigators remove the chains attached to Sandra Munsamy's ankle when she was rescued on November 7 2019.

The identities of the four men charged with the kidnapping and attempted R154m extortion for the safe return of Durban businesswoman Sandra Munsamy have been revealed as their trial got under way on Monday.

Lucas John Ndlovu, Dumisani Radebe, Jose Omega Tembe and Arthur Da Silva Mondlane appeared in the Durban magistrate's court where they pleaded not guilty to the charges.

National Prosecuting Authority regional spokesperson Natasha Kara said they face charges of robbery with aggravating circumstances. Mozambican nationals Tembe and Mondlane are also charged with contravention of the Immigration Act for entering or remaining in the country without a valid permit.

The Hawks previously applied to bar the media from identifying or photographing the accused due to the sensitive nature of the case.

Munsamy, a prominent figure in the multibillion-rand Crossmoor Transport family business empire, was snatched by armed men on May 30 2019, setting in motion a hostage and ransom drama that lasted six months.

Hawks detectives found Munsamy alive and shackled in a house in Emalahleni, Mpumalanga, in November that year — 162 days after she disappeared.

In the days after the kidnapping, the accused are alleged to have contacted Munsamy's family demanding a ransom of $10m (roughly R154m).

The trial is set down until March 25. All accused remain in custody.