Labour caucus rejects suspension of Thembisa Hospital CEO

29 August 2022 - 21:51
By TimesLIVE
Dr Ashley Mthunzi, the suspended CEO of Thembisa Hospital. The labour caucus at the hospital has rejected his suspension.
Image: Alaister Russell Dr Ashley Mthunzi, the suspended CEO of Thembisa Hospital. The labour caucus at the hospital has rejected his suspension.

The institutional labour caucus (ILC) at the Thembisa Hospital has rejected the precautionary suspension of CEO Dr Ashley Mthunzi.

On Friday, the Gauteng government said it placed Mthunzi and Gauteng health department CFO Lerato Madyo on precautionary suspension to ensure they do not impede the investigation into allegations of improper procurement and payment of service providers at the hospital.

“Given the seriousness of the allegations and the possible link to the murder case of Babita Deokaran — former chief director of finance, exemplary public servant and courageous whistle-blower who was brutally killed a year ago — the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has been appointed to investigate these allegations with urgency,” it said in a statement

Premier David Makhura welcomed the suspension.

However, the labour caucus at the hospital said: “The suspension of Dr Ashley Mthunzi was implemented on the back of our demand to meet the premier regarding attacks on the person of the CEO and the hospital.

“We also wished to discuss the deliberate silence of the head of department (HOD) Dr Nomonde Nolutshungo and the [health] MEC Dr Nomathemba Mokgethi on media reports assassinating the character of the CEO,” the caucus said on Monday.

The caucus comprises of the Public Servants Association and National Health and Allied Workers' Union shop stewards.

The ILC said it wrote to Makhura seeking a meeting on the issue.

“In the letter we warned him against taking any drastic decision on the CEO matter. But, instead, he issued a media statement to place the CEO, Dr Mthunzi, on precautionary suspension pending an investigation.

“The ILC rejects this suspension with the contempt it deserves.”

It said Makhura undermined organised labour and the rule of law. A CEO of a hospital is appointed by and reports to the office of the HOD and not the premier.

In this case, Makhura took an interest in the matter and undermined the office of the HOD.

“In light of the above, the ILC held a meeting today [Monday] on the matter. We continue to call on the department to engage labour on this issue, for the sake of labour peace and also to ensure that the hospital continues to run smoothly.”


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