POLL | What do you think of the woman who abandoned her baby handing herself over?

07 October 2022 - 13:00
By Kyle Zeeman
The woman came forward three days after she left her three-month-old baby next to a stream in Dawncrest in KwaZulu-Natal. File photo.
Image: 123RF/Kati Finell The woman came forward three days after she left her three-month-old baby next to a stream in Dawncrest in KwaZulu-Natal. File photo.

The decision by a 23-year-old mother who abandoned her baby to hand herself over to police has sparked fierce debate.

The woman left the infant next to a stream in Dawncrest, KwaZulu-Natal, with a bag containing nappies, a bottle of milk, a pacifier and a note.

The note read: “Hi. You might be wondering why I dumped my baby. Don’t wonder, just help her if you can or call authorities. But don't judge me. I have spoken twice with social workers, they [are] delaying to assist. I know this looks bad but I had no [other] option. The system is fragile.”

She handed herself in to police three days later.

“The woman was arrested after she handed herself to police following a public outcry on social media platforms. The young mom was charged and appeared in the Verulam magistrate’s court today [Thursday] and was granted bail of R500,” said Reaction Unit SA’s Prem Balram.

The matter was remanded to November 10.

The baby was found by a mango picker who was advised to contact a private security company.

“On arrival, Reaction officers were pointed out the location of the discovery and handed over the child and the bag,” said Balram.

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