Man attacked by shark while diving for crayfish in Eastern Cape

02 May 2023 - 06:14
By Nivashni Nair
The man sustained an injury to his shoulder and was in a stable condition.
Image: 123RF/Tatiana Shepeleva The man sustained an injury to his shoulder and was in a stable condition.

A 40-year-old man was in a stable condition after a shark attack at Mngcibe beach in the Eastern Cape on Monday afternoon.

Eastern Cape health departmental spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo said Mercy Wing 9, the provincial EMS helicopter, was dispatched to Zithulele Hospital to airlift the man to Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital.

“The patient sustained an injury to his shoulder and was reported to be in a stable condition”

He said the man was diving for crayfish when he was attacked.


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