LIFE IN LOCKDOWN | Day 2: Add 'Tiger King' to your watchlist

This bonkers Netflix docuseries is possibly the most talked about thing on the internet right now — other than Covid-19, of course

28 March 2020 - 09:40
By Toni Jaye Singer
Joe Exotic, the larger-than-life character at the heart of Netflix's 'Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness'.
Image: Netflix Joe Exotic, the larger-than-life character at the heart of Netflix's 'Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness'.

If you can find a gap between the all the coronavirus-related content floating through your social media news feeds, chances are you will have spotted a photo of a man with a bleached-blond mullet and an equally questionable moustache. He may or may not be cuddling a fully-grown tiger in the snap.

Meet Joe Exotic, eccentric big cat breeder, zoo keeper and star of Netflix's Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness, plus plenty of memes. This seven-part docuseries is possibly the most talked about show on the internet right now, so if you haven't already added it to your watchlist, do it now. 

Our film critic, Tymon Smith, summed up the plot: "Tiger King  is an off-the-nutter-charts story of backstabbing and intrigue in the world of American big cat breeders. Eccentric Exotic has a chip on his shoulder and an axe to grind against the animal rights activists who are baying for his blood. The story is so insane it has to be true and leads to attempted murder and incredible levels of sheer WTF-ness." 

Smith's not the only one who found Tiger King both bonkers and gripping.

Here's what social media has been saying:

• From great series to watch to fun crafts to do with your children, we'll be adding a new activity to our 'Life in Lockdown' series every day. Keep an eye on for tomorrow's installment.