Sex Talk

Why do I get small bumps on my pubic area after I shave?

Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng answers your sex questions

21 January 2018 - 00:00
By dr tlaleng mofokeng AND Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng
Shaving can lead to ingrown hair causing bumps on the skin.
Image: 123RF / hootie2710 Shaving can lead to ingrown hair causing bumps on the skin.

Q: I have small bumps on my pubic area after I shave. Can you help?

A: Ingrown hair causes bumps on the skin around the groin and pubic areas.

You might be prone to ingrown hair if you shave. This causes sharp edges especially if the skin is dry when shaved or pulled taut which allows the cut hair to draw back into the skin and re-enter the skin without first growing out. Tweezing can also can leave a hair fragment under the skin surface.

The common areas for ingrown hairs are the armpits, pubic area and legs in women, and in men they can appear on the chin, cheeks and around the beard area. They may be itchy and uncomfortable. You may notice small, solid, rounded bumps (papules) or they may be pus-filled lesions (pustules).

Mild infections may require an antibiotic ointment or oral antibiotics for more severe infection.

Avoid shaving, tweezing and waxing if possible, especially while you have infected ingrown hair.

To help prevent ingrown hair, consider hair-removal methods, such as laser therapy, which leads to decreased hair growth over time.

Exfoliating and applying moisturiser also help prevent build-up of dry skin.

 Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng (MBChB), sexual and reproductive health practice, DISA Clinic, 011-886-2286, visit

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