WATCH | Prince Kaybee opens up about cutting ties with Universal Music & what’s next

14 April 2023 - 08:00
By Constance Gaanakgomo
Prince Kaybee says he was playing his newfound freedom by ear.
Image: Instagram/Prince Kaybee Prince Kaybee says he was playing his newfound freedom by ear.

It's been a week since Prince Kaybee announced cutting ties with Universal, with the DJ and music producer saying he is afraid regarding this new chapter.

“As you all know, I’ve just been released not so long ago from a contract that I’ve had for eight years. I’ve been a label baby for eight years. I’ve got no background of any independence, so with that fact, my propensity after being released from Universal is that I’m very scared, I’m very confused in what I need to do moving forward,” he said on Twitter.

“It’s something that I’m playing by ear, something that I’m looking at from all different angles. It has [required] me to apply myself in trying to understand what, right now, [there is for me] in this time in my life. And there is music, there is a lot of music. I’ve been posting snippets of the growth that I’ve experienced and there’s nothing really that is bad going on between me and Universal right now. It was just for them to let me go.

He posted a Universal Music statement on his socials: “The parties have agreed to mutually terminate the agreement with effect from April 3 2023 and UM releases you from the delivery of any further recordings in terms of the agreement. UM shall continue to commercially exploit the recordings, account and make payment (if due) to you in terms of the agreement. We thank you for the opportunity of working with us and we wish you every success in the future."