'I had sex for the first time at age 14' — Prince Kaybee opens up about his first sexual encounter

07 June 2023 - 16:30
By Joy Mphande
DJ Prince Kaybee says he lost his virginity at 14 to a woman 'way older' than him.
Image: Instagram/Prince Kaybee DJ Prince Kaybee says he lost his virginity at 14 to a woman 'way older' than him.

Prince Kaybee has reflected on the day he lost his virginity, shedding light on boys being exposed to sexual behaviour at a young age.

Taking to his Twitter timeline, the DJ and producer revealed his first sexual encounter was at 14 years old.

“I had sex for the first time at age 14 with a woman way older than me. The older gents motivated this, claiming I need to prove myself. Not one broer asked me what are my dreams and aspirations and encouraged me to focus on my talents or school, not one,” he wrote. 

“And this is the reality of most young boys today. I also wouldn’t be that harsh on the older guys for pressing this agenda because it was done to them, and it’s all they know. Appalling beyond comprehension how the state of boy child development is at harm.”

Kaybee went on to speak of how premature exposure to sexual activity could affect one's mental health.

“One thing I don’t wish for young boys is being exposed to sexual behaviour. Such a hindrance to the quality of their emotional and psychological development. Once that is compromised, they are in hell and it's the hardest task to get them back.

“Women rape young boys and later call them trash after introducing them to sex. As a result, boys lack emphasis on consent, respect and healthy relationships. Ferocious conduct.”

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