'Clout is a serious disease' — Emtee weighs in on online validation

19 July 2023 - 11:00
By Constance Gaanakgomo
Rapper Emtee said clout is a disease.
Image: gallo Images Rapper Emtee said clout is a disease.

Rapper Emtee has been on the receiving end of trolls on social media and has weighed in on clout chasers.

Taking to his Twitter timeline, the rapper called it a sickness. 

''Clout is a serious disease. People do whatever, however for followers or validation from people they don’t even know,'' he wrote.

Emtee's recent drama made him trend again, when music producer and DJ Maphorisa asked his followers how he could get hold of Emtee for a booking, to which Emtee replied: “Just spoke to Porry. Calm down bafethu.”

Expressing his views on the matter, DJ Tira revealed the rapper let him down by not pitching for an already organised shoot. 

Emtee really disappointed me. We dropped a song with Duncan; when we wanted to shoot the music video he disappeared. I have not heard from him since then. The music video never came out. But I wish him well, I hope he gets his house in order,” tweeted DJ Tira.

The rapper took time to apologise to the DJ. 

“I love and respect DJ Tira. You know my life is a movie. I go through so much daily. I’m striving. Thriving and definitely will continue to do so for as long as I live. I’m sorry Duncan for not making it to the shoot. I hope you forgive me,” tweeted Emtee.

“Thank you for the respect bro. It’s all love at the end of the day. I want to see you win. You are one of the best rappers we have in South Africa and so many kids look up to you. I wish you nothing but the best. I hope to see you on the Fact Durban Rocks stage soon,” wrote Tira.

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