The doctor charged with raping a patient at Mount Ayliff Hospital will remain in custody until his bail application next week.
Image: 123RF/Artit Oubkaew
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A 37-year-old medical doctor appeared in the eMaxesibeni (Mount Ayliff) Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday on a charge of rape.

The doctor was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly raping a 34-year-old patient inside a consulting room at the Mount Ayliff Hospital last Thursday.

“It is alleged that the patient was at the hospital for medical attention. When the nurse left her with the doctor, he locked the door and demanded that she perform oral sex on him. When the patient refused, he allegedly overpowered and raped her,” national prosecuting authority spokesperson Luxolo Tyali said.

He said when the nurse returned, she found the door to the consulting room locked.

When the alleged rapist opened, the patient ran out, visibly shaking and reported her ordeal to the nurse and her friend who had accompanied her to the hospital.

The court postponed the case until next Wednesday for a bail application.


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