Work Christmas parties can be quite an adventure. File photo.
Image: 123rf
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December brings a most deserved break, and often a work Christmas party to remember.

Restaurants and venues are often packed as colleagues eat, drink and joke about the year that was.

While some may enjoy the opportunity to let off steam with people with whom they spend most of their waking hours, others would much rather be on the couch watching a movie or series.

A few will, perhaps, go a little too far and be the talk of the office, and some companies won’t throw a party at all.

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Social media users have shared their “advice” on how to survive your office Christmas party, with hilarious jokes and nuggets of wisdom.

“Office Christmas party: Time to eat a warmish Christmas dinner with people you have email arguments with all year,” wrote the joke site Very British Problems.

“I told myself I’d had enough to drink, but as fate would have it I don’t take advice from drunks. An Office Christmas Party Story,” said user Marc My Words.

Michelle Arbuckle said: “My advice to everyone — leave early from your office Christmas party. No good comes from staying late. You’re welcome.”

“Your colleagues are definitely not your friends. Remember that,” was the wisdom from Lenyora.


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