Matriculants from Parktown High School for Girls celebrate their results.
Image: Kgaugelo Masweneng
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It’s a big day for matriculants from state schools across the country and Parktown High School for Girls in Parkview, Johannesburg, is abuzz with excited pupils.

They gathered at the school to get hard copies of their results on Friday morning.

Husna Badat, one of the top pupils at the school, said the feeling of holding her statement was one she could not define.

“It’s unbelievable. It’s been emotionally draining but finally things are falling into place. The waiting was torture and I wanted it over and done with,” said Badat, who has been accepted to study medicine at Wits.

Keamogetswe Matshane said she was over the moon: “I’m excited and I still can’t believe it. It’s a lot of emotions. I’m going to do either computer science or accounting at Wits. It’s a big change but I’m looking forward to it.”

Bianca Lachman said: “I’m happy with my results. I’m going to study accounting at Wits, it feels so surreal to be done with school.”

The school achieved a 100% pass rate by 209 pupils. There were 350 distinctions and 93.8% of the pupils received a bachelor’s degree entrance.


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