Stellenbosch rector Wim de Villiers.
Image: Esa Alexander
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Stellenbosch University’s convocation has confirmed its support for a vote of no confidence in the institution’s rector and vice-chancellor, Wim de Villiers.

This comes in the wake of an alleged nepotism scandal in which De Villiers gave two study places in the medical faculty to close relatives, based on “discretionary” powers through which he can make three placements annually.

The relatives were allegedly admitted in two consecutive years, though the second placement was withdrawn after the student’s ties to the VC were revealed.

Though it is up to the council, which meets on Monday, to make the final decision, the vote by the convocation does not bode well for the vice-chancellor.

" The registrar knew of the nepotistic appointment and advised the rector in this regard. She ought to have acknowledged the situation and acted accordingly "
- Frederick van Wyk, convocation secretary
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Frederick van Wyk, the convocation secretary, told TimesLIVE: “We adopted a motion earlier this morning in terms of which we call for the resignation of both the rector and the registrar Ronel Retief. At least in terms of the motion, the registrar knew of the nepotistic appointment and advised the rector in this regard. She ought to have acknowledged the situation and acted accordingly.” 

Council member Leon Schreiber said: “The brazenness of this [alleged] nepotism casts a shadow on the entire admissions process and raises serious questions about the extent of this by the VC and whether more family members, friends or associates may have been advantaged in this way.”

He said it was in the best interests of the institution for De Villiers to “step down” and called for a “comprehensive investigation”.

The university declined to answer specific questions put to it by TimesLIVE as a right of reply, instead referring the publication to its statement, which reads, inter alia: “The rector maintains that though he acted in good faith and consistent with the current guidelines, he acknowledges and regrets the turmoil that the publicised incident has caused.

“The unpacking of the Rector’s Discretionary Placements will be robustly guided by the executive committee of council and will be properly ventilated and discussed at council so an appropriate way forward is agreed to by council.”


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