OR Tambo International Airport’s busiest week is expected to be between December 11 and 17. File image.
Image: Sinesipho Schrieber
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Airports Company South Africa (Acsa) said on Friday it is ready to welcome large volumes of travellers this festive season, with contingency plans and strategies to deal with the busiest days of the year.

In Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport’s busiest week is expected to be between December 11 and 17.

Its busiest day is set to be December 11 when 285 departing and 292 arriving aircraft movements are predicted, with 28,727 passengers departing and 29,315 passengers arriving at the airport

Cape Town International Airport’s busiest week will be between January 1 and January 7, with January 1 the busiest day as 264 aircraft movements are scheduled, with 32,750 passengers arriving and departing.

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Durban's King Shaka International Airport is set to record its busiest week between December 11 and 17. At its busiest, it is expecting 131 aircraft movements and 19,602 passengers moving through the airport in 24 hours.

These three airports account for 85% of all air passenger traffic in South Africa.

Terence Delomoney, Acsa group executive of operations management, said the peak season strategy will ensure the airports are resourced, positioned and capacitated to handle the huge volumes of passengers.

The strategy also involves collaboration with the Border Management Authority and police service, he said.



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