The DA accused ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba of losing interest in the success of the multiparty coalition government when he realised he wouldn’t be returned as mayor of Joburg. File photo.
Image: Eugene Coetzee
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The DA has accused ActionSA of attempting to set up “DA mayors to fail” in running Gauteng municipal government coalitions.

This comes after the DA released a scathing statement on Tuesday morning detailing ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba’s “perplexing politics”, saying the party was positioning itself as an “opposition” inside coalition governments.

DA national spokesperson Cilliers Brink made reference to Mashaba’s comments after the recent launch of an ActionSA branch in the Western Cape.

“Mashaba declared his goal is to bring the DA under 50% in that province. A startling mission statement, especially for a party whose unique selling proposition is its ability to win votes from the ANC and break its stranglehold on politics,” Brink said.

“Why would anyone who is interested in a post-ANC South Africa want to trade in a DA majority government in the Western Cape for the instability and uncertainty of coalitions?” Brink asked.

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Brink questioned what benefit ActionSA has brought to municipalities where it has won votes and seats after the 2021 local government election.

The DA accused ActionSA of sharing a key strategic objective with the ANC, and illustrated the claim by pointing to the breakdown in the Johannesburg coalition.

“In Johannesburg, Mashaba lost interest in the success of the multiparty coalition government the day he realised he wouldn’t be returned as the mayor. His only remaining interest has been to blame the setbacks of the coalition on the DA,” Brink said.

“Waging a low-level election campaign against your own coalition partner, even in peace time, has implications of its own. What happens to the trust and collegiality inside these mayoral committees? What message is sent to the often ANC-aligned municipal officials who are meant to implement the mandate of the voters?” Brink asked.

The DA accused ActionSA of “sabotaging” the appointment of Johann Mettler, the DA’s preferred candidate for the position of city manager in Johannesburg.

Mettler previously served as city manager in Nelson Mandela Bay before his suspension and subsequent parting of ways with the city before the end of his term.

Despite being accused of “arrogance”, the DA maintained it was sticking to the provisions of the original coalition agreement.

“Again, ActionSA led the charge, and provided covering fire for the Patriotic Alliance to clinch a deal with the ANC,” Brink said.

“Then, while Mashaba was abroad and the DA was fighting in court to have Mpho Phalatse restored as mayor and the coalition government reinstated in Joburg, another Mashaba lieutenant, Bongani Baloyi, started negotiating with the ANC as a possible coalition partner in Gauteng.”

This move was “a direct challenge to Mashaba’s authority”, he added.

“It also signalled ActionSA was ready to give up the multiparty coalition agreement  in exchange for a possible agreement with the ANC.”


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