From beets to blueberries, almost anything can be whizzed up into a smoothie.
Image: iStock
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Smoothies are a convenient way of getting concentrated nutrition on the go, but did you know that drinking them cold isn't great for your digestive system?

Here's how to remedy this and other common mistakes to ensure you get the biggest health boost from each sip.

Mistake 1: not keeping it simple

There is a tendency to add the contents of the fridge and every superfood to smoothies, but simple combinations are easier for the body to process.

Mistake 2: using the same ingredients all the time

Rotate what goes into your smoothies. This will keep things interesting and ensure a broad nutrient intake. Include seasonal fruits while they are at their nutritional peak.


Mistake 3: drinking it cold

An excess of very cold foods can weaken digestion in the long run. Enjoy iced smoothies sparingly, especially in cooler weather. Let fridge-stored smoothies reach room temperature before drinking.

Mistake 4: not adding a fibre booster

Part of the magic of fibre is that it slows digestion, leaving you satisfied for longer. Blitzing smoothies reduces the efficacy of fibre by breaking it down. Add additional fibre (like flax or chia seeds) to keep you regular, and keep hunger at bay.

Mistake 5: not chewing your drink

Resist the urge to glug that smoothie down. Digestion begins in the mouth and it is important to savour each mouthful. Not only is this gentler on the belly, but can make nutrients more readily available.  

The author of this article, Daniel Jardim, teaches cookery retreats and workshops around South Africa with an emphasis on staying healthy with the seasons. Visit

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